Parent And Kid Morning Skate Session

Parent And Kid Morning Skate Session

Date: 02/01 & 02/02
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Spaces available: 8 skaters
Price for two skaters: Non-member $90.00
Price for two skaters: Member $75.00
Price for each additional skater: $20

Non-Member Signup Below
Price for 2 skatersPay Here
Price for 3 SkatersPay Here
Price for 4 SkatersPay Here

Member Signup Below
Price for 2 SkatersPay Here
Price for 3 SkatersPay Here
Price for 4 SkatersPay Here

In this two day parent and kid session, kids will assist the instructor and inspire their parents to learn the basics! This class will go over foot positioning, pushing, controlling your board, and pumping. Advance kids will show off their skills by learning kick-turns, reverts, and ollies.

What is Included:
Free Skateboard rentals and safety gear rentals. Limited helmets are available – First come, first serve.
Bonus: Non-Members receive 30% OFF towards the first month of membership after registering for this course. Deal expires on the last day of the course.